First Presbyterian Church of MetuchenClick here for more information

Children's Ministry

Helping your children and family develop in faith together is an important component of our ministry. We encourage you to join us in worship together, either online at or in-person.  During in-person worship we offer: 

  • Nursery care: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
  • Sunday school for two-year-olds to 5th grade: 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (during worship)

We have an active, growing children’s ministry that welcomes children of all ages. From Sunday School to youth group to children’s vocal and handbell choirs to fellowship opportunities, there’s something for every family at First Presbyterian Church. All are welcome! To get involved, contact Nancy Leardi, Director of Christian Education. 

Because it’s important for our young friends to have access to messages specific to them, we encourage you to share our Children’s Ministry videos with your children. You can access them on our YouTube page.  We invite you to sign up for our Family News e-blast from Nancy Leardi by clicking here: FPC Family News Sign Up.  Join the following groups for ongoing events and updates:

  • 2 year-olds to 5th grade meet from 9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. following Children’s Time in Worship 

Christmas Pageant

The annual Christmas Pageant will take place on December 24 at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary.  We look forward to sharing this wonderful pageant featuring our church youth as Angels, Shepherds, Wiseman and more.  Rehearsals begin Sundays after church in December.

All children ages 4 – 18 are invited to participate in the Christmas Pageant. Parent volunteers are always needed as well. Scan the QR code or use this link  to sign up now!  Watch the Sunday Bulletin for more information as the dates draw closer.

Children’s Time

We welcome children in Sunday worship before they leave to attend their Sunday School programs. The Children’s Time message is their special time in the service.

Pastor Garry Leading Children’s Time.

 Children/Youth Fellowship Groups

  • First Tuesday (children four-year-olds - 2nd grade) - 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 109 (beginning Tuesday, October 4th)
  • Junior Club (grades 3 6) –Usually meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, October – May, from 5:30 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. in the Social Center or room 109, TBA. Sign up for the FB posts and Family Eblasts for up-to-date schedules. 


Children’s Vocal and Handbell Choirs

 We offer a variety of opportunities for children to participate in our excellent music program. Please click here to learn about our Children’s Vocal and Handbell Choirs.

FPC You Tube Programs

Click here to view the virtual VBS video links on the FPC Facebook page.  Click on the links below to view our latest children’s ministry programs on the FPC You Tube Channel:

Vacation Bible School



Families, spread the news and save the date!  June 24-June 28th 9am to 11: 30 am
We invite children entering kindergarten through 6th grade to participate in VBS programming.
Our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) welcomes children from our congregation and throughout
the community for a week of fun, fellowship and valuable lessons from the Bible that can last a lifetime.

Register here Register and Pay Online Here                Download Registration Form Here

Volunteers are needed! Please let Nancy Leardi know if you can help out!  (732) 491-2264

Puppet Ministry


This ministry includes students in 6th – 12th grades with adult leadership, meets monthly during the year to prepare their skits. Our extensive puppet ministry has a collection of over 25 puppets with costumes and props. The puppet team presents to the Sunday School during chapel time and worship.

Want to volunteer for this ministry? Contact Nancy Leardi: , (732) 491-2264 or Kat Davis:

Parent Resources

For devotional readings and activities you can do at home with your kids and teens, please see our Devotionals Page.

World Vision

Our Sunday School children are learning what it means to give back and to be cheerful givers. Their special children’s offering allows them to support our World Vision child, Kentine, from Burundi, Africa and give her a better, more promising future.
For over seven years we have watched Kentine’s growth. She’s now 13 years old and a 5rd grader. This year our support provided her with a new school uniform so she could attend school. She received school supplies to help her with her education and personal development. Because of our support, Kentine receives extra help though reading and writing workshops and gets a hygiene kit with essentials like soap, shampoo, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Kentine tells us that she feels special when she can celebrate with others on her birthday, but most of all, she enjoys leaning how to respect, care for, and protect other children.

To contribute to our World Vision Sponsorship of Kentine, click on the link below and type "Kentine" in the Miscellaneous line, or write a check to First Presbyterian Church of Metuchen and include "World Vision Kentine" in the memo.

Donate to World Vision

Community Nursery School

Our church-sponsored nursery school provides quality education for children ages two and half to six-year-olds. Half-day and full-day classes are available for Pre-K4s. Half-day classes are offered for Pre-K3s. Young Learners and K-Wrap (academic extended-day kindergarten program). An extended-day option until 5:00 p.m. is also available for Pre-K4s, K-Wrap and full-day kindergarten students. Early drop off at 8:00 a.m. is available. Click here for more information about Community Nursery School.

Christmas Pageant Play


Every year over 100 children and adults participate in our Christmas Pageant. Children and youth from age 4 to 12th grade are welcome to participate. We also welcome volunteers to work behind the scenes.

Camp Johnsonburg

Camp Johnsonburg is a Presbyterian Camp located in Northern New Jersey.  All information including the Camp Johnsonburg Summer Schedule of Events/Activities and registration are available through the Camp Johnsonburg website: